Donald Trump, 2024 and the Reasoning Republican Voter – The Wall Street Journal.

Donald Trump, 2024 and the Reasoning Republican Voter

“Voting, Mr. [Samuel] Popkin explained, is a “reasoned investment in collective goods, made with costly and imperfect information under conditions of uncertainty.”

Tenure, academic freedom, free speech

“Academic freedom cannot be a privilege of those who only espouse prevailing views but a protected right of all faculty,” the Academic Freedom Alliance wrote in July to the university’s president, M. Elizabeth Magill, arguing that the school should end the process to sanction Professor Wax.”

But for many students, her public speech, which often mixes public policy with insulting broadsides, is the point.

Students have asked: Aren’t these statements relevant to her performance in the classroom? Don’t they show the potential for bias? And does this professor, and this speech, deserve the protection of tenure?”

These are timeless, and yet timely questions about free speech and unpopular views.

NYTimes: How Betsy DeVos Has Influenced Education Policy’s Future

How Betsy DeVos Has Influenced Education Policy’s Future

Excerpt from article about Devos’ campaign to defund public schools and privatize education:

“Through her attention-attracting assault on the public education system, Betsy DeVos has actually given the next secretary of education an opportunity — to recommit to public education as a public good, and a cornerstone of our democracy.”

Opinion | The Two Codes Your Kids Need to Know – The New York Times

Every student needs to understand that, as Coleman put it, “our country was argued into existence — and that is the first thing that binds us — but also has some of the tensions that divide us. So we thought, ‘What can we do to help replace the jeering with productive conversation?’”

Thomas Friedman

Water around the world #HOWWILLWE | PepsiCo


Where water is scarce, energy (oil, gas, hydropower) can become more costly, crops can fail and food processing may be disrupted.

Read on….

New idea for dealing with school shootings,

Exercise your Civic duty. Keeping sending legislative proposals to your representatives until something breaks through the stangle holds on our nation’s lawmakers.

Teachers in Europe strike with much less provocation – in the US now teachers lives and the lives of their students are at stake.

Meet the bloody red shrimp, Lake Superior’s newest invasive critter | Minnesota Public Radio News

Bloody red shrimp were first found in lakes Ontario and Michigan in 2006, according to the Fish and Wildlife Service. They’re now documented in all the Great Lakes.

The species eats waterfleas and algae. They can become food for bigger fish, and competition for smaller ones, according to the University of Wisconsin’s Sea Grant Institute.”

Waste shipments to WIPP to soon resume

The shipment of transuranic wastes from generator sites to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico is set to resume in April. The US Department of Energy (DoE) expects a total of 128 shipments to be made to WIPP over the next 12 months.”

Scary huh?

U.S., Canada slow to tackle Great Lakes chemical pollution, says report |

“In November, the IJC issued a 25-page report advising both governments take decisive steps to protect human health and the environment by reducing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the lakes. The brominated flame retardants, which are bioaccumulative and found in many products, have been in use since the 1970s and exposure has been linked to cancers, reproductive health, thyroid, neurobehavioral and developmental disorders.”

US and Canada efforts towards cleaning up PCBs and other toxic chemicals in Au Sable river and Lake Huron.